Can I leave the filter pump/sand filter outside while it's raining?
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Yes, you can. But we suggest to not use the pump when it is thundering or lightning.
Can I use my Flowclear filter pump with bigger models of pools, and what should I do?
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First you have to check if the flow rate of your pump is suitable with the water quantity of the new pool, and then you have to make sure the hose connections are compatible.
Can the Sand Filter with Ozonator work without the Ozon function?
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Yes, the sand filter can work without the Ozonator. You have to place the timer on position 0.
Can we use the pool while the filtration system is operating?
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No, please do not use the swimming pool when the filtration system is operating.
How can I set the correct operation time of my Flowclear Sand Filter with Ozonator?
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Consult the Owner’s Manual section for the operating time table with Ozonator.
How does the sand filter work?
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The water from the pool flows through the strainer, up through the control valve, down through the sand, up through the collector hub in the center and out through the control valve back to the pool. Dirt and debris from the pool water are trapped in the sand and clean water is returned into the pool.
How does the timer on the Sand Filter work?
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The timer on the sand filter has 9 different positions. Each position has different cycle. You can leave the sand filter connected to the power source, and the sand filter will operate automatically following the cycle you set:
Position 4: working time 4 hours / waiting time 20 hours
Position 6: Working time 6 hours / waiting time 18 hours
Position 8: Working time 8 hours / waiting time 16 hours
Position 10: Working time 10 hours / waiting time 14 hours
Position 12: Working time 12 hours / witing time 12 hours
Position 24: Working time 24 hours
the below three positions are the automatic cycle, and it means that if you set one of these positions, the sand filter will continuously operate following the cycle.
Position P4: Cycle working time 4 hours / waiting time 4 hours
Position P6: Cycle working time 6 hours / waiting time 6 hours
Position P8: Cycle working time 8 hours / waiting time 8 hours
Is it possible to use a timer with my sand filter?
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The timer cannot be used if the sand filter is equipped with an external RCD or GFCI. The timer will compromize the functionality of the products. If the sand filter doesn't have an external PRCD or GFCI, you can use the timer.
If you installed the sand filter together with a chlorinator or a pool heater, be sure the chlorinator has already finished the set cycle or switch off the pool heater before the sand filter.
What are the functions performed by the sand filter?
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Bestway Flowclear sand filters have 6 functions:
1. Filter: This function is used to filter pool water and should be positioned here 99% of the time. Water is pumped through the sand filter, where it is cleaned and returned to the pool.
2. Backwash: This function is used to clean the sand bed. Water is pumped down through the collector hub, upwards through the sand bed, and deposited out of Port D.
3. Rinse: This function is for initial startup, cleaning, and sand bed leveling after backwash. Water is pumped downwards through the sand bed, up through the collector hub and deposited out of Port D.
4. Drain: This function drains water from the pool. Another filter bypass setting, water is pumped and deposited out of Port D, instead of returning to the pool.
5. Circulate: This function circulates pool water bypassing the sand filter. Use this function if the filter is broken to collect debris in the debris screens.
6. Closed: This function stops water flowing between the sand filter and the pool.
What causes my guarantee to break?
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The legal warranty doesn’t cover damages due to actions not assignable to the seller/manufacturer, to improper or not normal use of the product by the consumer, or to actions contrary to warnings or instructions written in the user’s manual.
What is the correct pump size for my pool?
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To define the correct size of filtration system for Bestway's Above Ground Pools, you need to know the water capacity of your pool. You can find this information on the package and in the owner manual.
Where can I find Bestway instruction videos?
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You can find instruction videos on www.bestwaycorp.com in the support section, or on the Bestway YouTube channel.
Where can I find Bestway User Manuals?
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You can find Bestway User Manuals on www.bestwaycorp.com in the support section.
Where do I find the Serial Number?
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All Bestway products have their own serial number, and they are located in different positions and have different formats. Please see the guide at the following link: https://www.bestway.eu/it-it/#serial-number-overlay or the video below.
Why is the sand flowing into the pool?
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1. The sand is too thin and can pass through the skimmer. Please make sure that you are using the recommended size of sand: 0.45 mm to 0.85 mm.
2. The quality of the sand is not suitable to be used with the filtration system of the swimming pool.
3. The skimmer is damaged.
4. The rinsing was not long enough after the backwash. Please consult the owner's manual to perform the correct operations.
Why is there condensation inside the pressure gauge?
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To read the working pressure of the sand filter, the water goes through the pressure gauge. The condensation is created on the external surface of the pressure gauge due to the difference between the temperature of the water in the pool and the external temperature. Thanks to the high quality of the pressure gauge, the condensation doesn't influence the normal operation of the sand filter.
How often I should perform Backwash and Rinse in Bestway Flowclear Sand Filter?
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Bestway's Flowclear sand filter is equipped with a pressure gauge that shows the working pressure. If it reaches the red level, it means that the sand is full of debris, and the backwash function must be performed for 5 minutes. After that, rinse for 2 minutes. Important: backwash and rinse functions reduce the quantity of water in your pool, so remember to refill the water to have the correct level of water inside the pool.
How often should I change the sand in my filter?
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Under normal operating conditions, sand should be changed in residential filters every 4 to 5 years. In areas with high air contaminants such as dust, leaves or any condition that requires frequent backwashing, the sand may need to be changed every 2 to 3 years.
The reading on Pressure Gauge is higher than the recommended pressure, what can I do?
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If the pressure reading on the pressure gauge is over the maximum pressure mentioned in the user manual, it could be the time to clean the sand. Before cleaning the sand, check the following:
- If there is anything blocking the hoses
- If the connection valves are closed or partially closed
- If there is any hole on the hoses
- Turn off the sand filter and check if the pressure goes to 0
After having checked the above conditions, please follow the instructions on the manual to perform backwash and rinsing. If there is still a high-pressure reading, sand bed replacement is necessary.
What is the correct way to change the sand in Bestway's Flowclear Sand Filter?
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Please follow these steps to replace the sand:
First step: switch off the sand filter and unplug the socket from the power outlet. Second step: put the stopper inside the pool to close the valve. If the pool has connection valves, close them.
Third step: disconnect the hoses that connect the sand filter to the pool. This will make it easier to remove the sand. Fourth step: open the drain valve on the bottom of the sand filter to drain all residual water into the sand filter body. To speed up the operation, position the control valve between two functions.
Fifth step: open the metal ring in the middle of the tank body and open the upper part of the tank. Sixth step: take out all old sand from the tank and rinse the bottom part with a garden hose to be sure it is clean.
Seventh step: fill the bottom part with the new sand until it reaches the mark between low and high marked on the hub.
IMPORTANT: cover the hole on the top of the hub to avoid the sand going inside, and add the sand gently to avoid damaging the debris screen at the bottom of the tank.
Eighth step: position the top part back in place, and tighten the metal ring to close the tank.
IMPORTANT: when performing this operation, please be sure that the O-ring is in the correct position and completely clean from the sand.
Ninth step: close the drain valve cap on the bottom part of the sand filter.
Tenth step: position the control valve in the backwash position and connect the sand filter to the pool.
IMPORTANT: every time you change the sand in the sand filter, before using with the pool, you must perform the backwash function for 5 minutes and the rinse function for 2 minutes. This important operation will clean the new sand and stop dirty sand from flowing into the pool on the first use.
Why isn't water flowing between the pump and the pool?
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If there is no flow between the pump and the pool follow these steps:
1. Be sure that the socket has power and the switch on the pump is in the on position. Put your hand on the pump to feel the vibration of the motor.
2. See if there is anything that blocking the hoses.
3. Check if the control valve is positioned on the filter function.
4. Perform the backwash and rinse functions. Open the cap on the Port D and be sure that water flows out with power.
5. If all of the above operations function and the problem still remains, it is the time to replace the sand.